Adverb of place

Adverb of place:
যে adverb কোনকিছু কোথায় বা কোন স্থানে ঘটেছে তা উল্লেখ করে তাকে Adverb of place বলে এটা verb এর পরে, direct object হিসাবে অথবা sentence এর প্রথমে ব্যবহৃত হয়
An adverb which tells us where something is completed or happened is called Adverb of place.  It can be used past the verb as a direct object or at the beginning of a sentence.
Adverbs of place: above, below, Here, under, upstairs, there, over there, etc.
o    I like to have my lunch here.
o    I will go upstairs to see her.
o    They are sitting under the tree.

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