Phrase Preposition

Phrase Preposition:
যে preposition(পদান্বয়ী অব্যয়) গুলো দলবদ্ধ Word এবং sentence এর  বিভিন্ন অংশের মধ্যে সম্পর্কবোঝায় তাদেরকে phrase preposition বলে
The prepositions, which are a group of words, showing the affiliation among various parts of the sentence, are called phrase prepositions.
In spite of, in front of, in order to, due to, on account of, for the sake of, etc. are some examples of phrase prepositions.
o    She came here in order to meet me.
o    We were standing in front of the college.
o    She could not come here due to her illness.
o    I did not go to watch the movie assuming that it would be boring.

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