Thursday, May 9, 2019

Abstract Noun (গুণবাচক বিশেষ্য)

Abstract Noun (গুণবাচক বিশেষ্য):
যে Noun দ্বারা কোন ব্যক্তি কিংবা বস্তুর গুণকাজের নাম কিংবা অবস্থা প্রকাশ করা হয় তাকে Abstract Noun বলে। যেমনLiberty, anger, freedom, kindness, love, happiness, beauty, ইত্যাদি
Abstract nouns express ideas, feelings, realizations, and qualities that we can’t see, touch, hear, taste or smell. We can understand and imagine it but can’t even see. It’s a feeling, not a physical thing.
o    My love for you cannot be measured.
o    His kindness is his real beauty.
o    Her beauty makes me crazy.

An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, state or concept.
Abstract nouns are the names of such things that can’t be touched, tested, smelt or heard.
Such as:
Quality- honesty, beauty, bravery, wisdom, heroism, stupidity, darkness, kindness, goodness, brightness, etc.
Action- Judgment, movement, laughter, hatred, theft, etc.
State- Childhood, boyhood, youth, death, poverty, slavery, sickness, sleep, etc.
The names of Arts and Science such as grammar, chemistry, physics, music, etc. are also abstract noun.

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