Personal Pronoun ( ব্যক্তিবাচক সর্বনাম ) : যে Pronoun কোন ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুুর পরিবর্তে বসে তাকে Personal Pronoun বলে । যেমন : I, We, Us, He, She, You, They, Our, Them ইত্যাদি ।
The Personal pronouns are pronouns that refer to a certain person, thing, or group.
, it, he, they, she, we, and you are the personal pronouns.
Subject Personal Pronouns:
যে pronoun গুলো বাক্যে subject হিসেবে বসে সেগুলো Subject Personal Pronoun.
Pronouns can be the subject of a sentence or clause. These pronouns are called subject pronouns.
Subject Pronouns: I, we, he, she, they, it.
o I love banana.
o He and I had a deal.
o They should go for a study tour.
Object Personal pronouns:
Object Personal Pronoun, subject Personal Pronoun এর বিপরীত। Subject Personal Pronoun এবং object Personal Pronoun এর form ভিন্নরকম।
Object Personal Pronoun গুলো হলঃ Me, us, him, her, them, it.
o Ratul loves her.
o You should warn them.
o Please, take it seriously.
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